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Disciple : how he must consider his Master
"You will not evolve simply by being in the presence of a master. How many people benefit every day from the light and the warmth of the sun without being transformed! Why? Because they are closed. In order to open we must have faith and love, for faith and love are the keys that open all doors.
The true disciple is conscious of his need for a master who will stimulate and inspire him on the path of good. And when he finds this master, he does not doubt him, he does not oppose him, he asks nothing of him. Often the master hardly speaks to him. He pays no attention to him, but the disciple knows that his master exists, and he is happy. He advances because he loves him, because he believes in him and is bound to him. Even if he is miserable, poor, sick or dying, he feels consoled and comforted by the mere thought that his master exists, because the image he holds of him in his mind and his heart is all-powerful. It is this inner master who opens all doors to him." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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