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Difficulties - raw materials on which we must work : raw materials on which we must work
"Learn to think of your difficulties as crude matter on which you must work. As soon as you adopt this attitude, an entire process is activated within you. Mechanisms are set in motion which begin to refine this crude matter and transform it. Of course, this is difficult. But at least try for curiosity’s sake; experiment for just one week. Tell yourself: ‘This is such a new way of seeing things that I don’t know how to go about it, but even so, let’s give it a try.’ Then, when the opportunity arises, instead of cursing, whining, and pestering heaven and earth, work with your thoughts. And in order to have all odds for success on your side, be vigilant: the moment you are annoyed, be aware that you are in danger of being carried away by anger, discouragement, hatred…For once you give way to these emotions, it is difficult to turn back. Therefore, cultivate this vigilance which prevents you from being taken by surprise, and go to work."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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