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Deceptions : surmount them to stay alive
"We are at times struck by the faces of those who have had to confront the intrigue and betrayal of those around them and have successfully overcome this ordeal: their eyes and their expressions manifest the wealth of their inner life. They have lost almost nothing; or, to use an image from the world of banking, they have lost only the interest, but their capital remains intact. Yes, observe and compare those who give in completely to their disappointments with those who succeed in overcoming them. What a difference! Those who surrender to discouragement have lost their true wealth, whereas the others, on the contrary, win it back a hundredfold, a thousandfold. They are vivacious and enthusiastic, and they are always ready to get back to work. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Education Begins Before Birth
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Alchemy, Astrology, Magic, Kabbalah - Aspects of esoteric science




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