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Death and life : co-exist always
"Life and death are so closely connected that there is always something in life that must die in order for something else to live. Like it or not, it is impossible to escape this dilemma. We can already observe this in the realm of health. How many sick people who have been advised by their doctors to stop smoking or drinking alcohol feel that if they follow this advice, they would no longer be able to live! Yes, because there are two conflicting ideas of life here: that of the instinctive life and that of the life of reason. If we live one thing, we must renounce the other. Those who, on the pretext of living more intensely or more agreeably, fail to respect the laws of the physical life, become ill and die. You must decide which form of life you prefer, because you cannot live everything at the same time."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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