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Cosmic laws : will one day give us what we deserve
"Everyone thinks it is normal to be appreciated and acknowledged for the good they have done, and if they feel neglected or criticized, they are disappointed and upset. Well, this is a weakness, and the disciple must rid himself of it. When he is aware that his action is beneficial, disinterested and luminous, he must have faith in the cosmic laws and know that sooner or later he will receive the esteem and standing he deserves. If there is one thing you must believe in, it is that there are laws in the universe. When you utter a word, make a gesture, or have a desire or thought, it is immediately recorded and classified, and it produces results. It is these laws you must count on, because everything around you can change except these laws. One day they will send you exactly what you deserve, according to the way in which you have worked."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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