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Consciousness, divine and human : their fusion
"Everything is in God, and God is in everything, but consciousness of this begins with man. You may ask: ‘But why isn’t this consciousness more developed in us?’ In God’s desire to enter into human beings so that he could manifest through them, it is as if he amused himself by passing his consciousness through opaque lenses. But the opacity of this matter is such that he can no longer see himself. It is as if he has faded away and become lost in us. In order for the divine consciousness to awaken in our soul, our matter must become transparent. When this happens, God will be able to say: ‘At last I recognise myself, there I am!’ And at that moment we too will experience him. Because our consciousness is still obscured, God does not recognise himself in it. But he never ceases to work on us and in us, and if we participate in this work, one day at last God will see himself in us."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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