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Comparison : a factor in one’s evolution
"Many people feel justified in making no effort to improve themselves on the pretext that there are no models of advanced spirituality around for them to imitate. But honestly, are they sure there aren’t any such examples? And even if we admit this may be the case, is it absolutely necessary to meet such beings in the flesh? Are books of no use? Yes, books which represent the life and work of the sages, saints, initiates and great masters of the past. All who wish to find models may read about their lives, not only to see who they were and what they have done, but also to compare themselves and assess the progress they have yet to make. What is more, it is not enough to compare ourselves with human beings, however lofty they may be. We must also learn to compare ourselves to the stars, to infinity, to God himself. In this way we become aware of our smallness, of our inadequacies, not so we are crushed, but so we feel a tremendous fervour awakening in us, so we make great leaps forward and surmount our obstacles."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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