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Circle : circumference and centre point; their symbolism
"To interpret the symbol of the circle, the circumference and the centre point, we must not study these two elements in a fixed state, but in motion. The point radiates, and its movement is rectilinear. It is the movement of electricity, of the masculine principle. In opposition, the movement of the circumference is one of dilatation, of magnetism, of the feminine principle. The rays which radiate from the centre point project, push and give, whereas the circle, the circumference attracts, takes, receives and absorbs. The straight line and the curved line, electricity and magnetism, are two complementary expressions of life that also exist in us. In the activity of the intellect and spirit, we find the rectilinear movement of the rays radiating from the centre. In the activity of the heart and soul, we recognize the movement of the circumference which spreads in waves, engulfing everything in its path. The intellect and spirit express themselves through wisdom, the heart and soul through love. And the two are absolutely necessary: love must seek the centre point, wisdom, or it dissipates. Wisdom must surround itself with a circle, or it will remain alone like a king without a kingdom. By meditating on the figure of a circle and its centre point, we will understand why we must develop wisdom and love harmoniously within us."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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