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Church : its mistake: to have wished to become a worldly power
"Jesus denounced the Pharisees and the Sadducees, but, if he were to return, would he not level the same reproaches at the popes, cardinals, and bishops who for centuries have succeeded each other at the head of the Church? It was their duty to help humanity become conscious that all spiritual resources and riches are to be found within themselves, and to teach them how to develop these riches. Instead, the majority of them have worked to monopolise the Divinity and have preached that outside the Church there is no salvation. Well, that is not such a bad thing, but only if the Church set the example and learned to give first priority to spiritual principles. The truth is that the Church has fallen into the same mistaken ways as the kingdoms on earth: it wanted to become a worldly power and has placed the emphasis on its organisation. Now, of course, the Church is outwardly a magnificent organisation, but at the heart of it, it is crumbling and collapsing, and it will continue to collapse if it does not re-discover its true spiritual vocation." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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