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Changes : when do we have the right to bring Changes
"We have the right to bring about changes and reforms, or to overturn the established order. Cosmic Intelligence gives us this right, but only on one condition: that we are able to improve things. Do we have the right to demolish our neighbour’s house? Yes, if we can build him another one that is larger, more beautiful and more comfortable. If we cannot, we are forbidden to touch his house. ‘And do we have the right to kill someone?’ you ask. Yes, if you then have the power to resuscitate this person with a better heart and mind, and with better health. But as this is not the case, sit still and say nothing. You are not allowed to touch even a hair on his head. Yes, this is a very vast subject, and it is up to you to study and see whether or not to get involved and bring about change. Begin by making a few reforms in yourself: try to better yourself, and there will always be plenty of time to decide whether to go and change the world."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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