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Certitudes : necessary for the human being
"When they are in a state of uncertainty, human beings are as vulnerable as a tree that is about to be felled by a woodcutter. Since the woodcutter cannot do the job with his axe alone, he drives a wedge into the trunk in order to cleave it. Draw your own conclusion: if every day you allow small wedges to be driven into you, you risk becoming the victim of many axes – the many outer and especially inner difficulties – which will assail you and chop you to pieces. As soon as a thought or a feeling manages to split your trunk, you can feel your psychic and spiritual energies dissipate. And then what will become of you? You will be left in pieces. Everyone knows the saying: ‘Strength through unity’. Yes, we know it, and we apply it in our social and political life when it concerns material gain or the annihilation of our enemies. This is not necessarily bad, but what is most important is that we apply this law in the spiritual life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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