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Certainty : method for attaining it
"In order to weaken and control a group of people, it is sufficient merely to divide them, and the pernicious effects of such division are well known in the political, social, professional and family domains. It is the inner domain that we have not yet sufficiently studied. A man who is full of doubt creates division within himself; it is as if he wants to go in two opposite directions at the same time, and he can only stagger. You will say that it is not always easy to acquire the certainty that enables us to be decisive. I know but, in order to escape destructive doubt, there is a method, which is to rise to a higher level, and say: ‘ Of course I am ignorant, I do not have the necessary intuition and clarity to understand reality completely, but this must neither trouble nor paralyse me. I place my faith in good, in the light and I will continue to act honestly, with disinterestedness and courage.’ If you know how to remain in this state of mind, you will ultimately triumph over any doubts that assail you." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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