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Candle flame : an exercise
"A candle flame is an aspect of the solar fire which enlightens, warms and vivifies us, not only on the physical plane but on the spiritual plane as well. In the physical realm, a candle flame obviously does not possess the powers of solar fire, but it does possess these powers in the spiritual realm, and this is why your inner life will benefit if you develop a relationship with it. Take a candle and consecrate it, saying, ‘I light this flame for the glory of the light, for the Angel of Fire.’ Light the candle and address it in this way: ‘Beloved flame, symbol of the Holy Spirit, symbol of divine Love, of cosmic Fire, of the spiritual sun…’ and ask it to enter into you, to penetrate your cells so that one day the Holy Spirit may come and dwell in you. It is by lighting the sacred fire within you that you will attract the Holy Spirit."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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