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Blood : serves as food for entities in the invisible world
"Even the most ignorant human being knows that blood is an infinitely precious liquid and that someone who loses his blood loses his life too. As long as it circulates within the body, blood is protected, as if sealed in a container. But as soon as it escapes from the body, for whatever reason, it evaporates like all liquids; that is, its etheric particles disperse into space. These particles are alive: they retain something of the elements which make blood the bearer of life, and because of this they serve as food for invisible entities. Yes, it has been known since time immemorial that blood has the property of releasing effluvia on which invisible entities feed. Nothing is lost in the universe; there will always be entities to nourish themselves on the life given off by a few drops of blood."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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