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Blessings of heaven : learn to receive and hold onto them
"Sometimes you live moments that are like blessings from heaven. Preciously guard your impressions of these moments, and know that true happiness lies in your constant attention to beautiful things, in your sensitivity to everything divine. When you feel that the spirit, the light has visited you, do not be careless; do not allow these impressions to be erased immediately by thoughts of something else. Reflect on them for a long time so that they penetrate deeply within you. They will thus leave their traces on your soul forever, and these traces will never cease to inspire you. You must make a habit of this: instead of always allowing your negative states, your disappointments and animosities to weigh you down, instead of feeding and reinforcing them, put them aside and concentrate on all the things in your life that are good, pure and luminous."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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