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Belief : faith works whereas – waits
"So many Christians are content to accept the idea that, to be saved, all they have to do is to believe! And believe what? That Jesus saved them by sacrificing his life on the cross. No, it is not so easy! If you work, if you prepare yourselves, then yes, Jesus will act powerfully through your good will and will save you. But if you do nothing, you will not be saved. Faith works, whereas belief waits. Belief declares: ‘It is said that the Christ will come on clouds, that he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and that everyone will be resurrected.’ Well, we may wait a long time for this angel with his trumpet. He has already come, and many were resurrected because they had true faith, because they were working and were not content to wait passively."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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