1999- echo date("Y"); ?> Prosveta
Beginning : be attentive to always – correctly
"You wish to learn to play a musical instrument, but if you begin right away with complicated pieces, you will quickly give up because of the difficulties you encounter. To go far, you must begin slowly and pay careful attention. If you make a mistake while sight-reading, it is immediately recorded somewhere in your brain, and you risk making the same mistake each time you play. Consider the craftsman who engraves a pattern on a metal plate: if his first movement is not correct and he makes a mistake, his tool will automatically find its way into the wrong groove, and there is nothing he can do to correct it. In order for the first mark to be perfect, he must execute it slowly and carefully. Then the second, which is carried out more quickly, will be successful, as well as the third, and so on. The same thing applies to the psychic life. You must begin slowly and with great vigilance in order not to be distracted; otherwise, it will require great efforts on your part to return to the right path!" Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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