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Angels of the four elements : addressing a prayer tto them
"You can only nourish your inner life by being conscious of all the beings around you. When you are outside in nature, then, remember to address the spirits who live there as well as the angels of the four elements. Say to them: ’Be blessed, you angels of earth, water, air and fire. O you faithful servants of God, be blessed. And you, children of nature, spirits which inhabit the grottoes, the forests, the mountains, the oceans, the lakes, the rivers, the winds, the clouds, the sun, you too, be blessed.’ When you do so, throngs of entities arrive from every direction and crowd around to listen to you, telling each other that here finally is someone who recognizes their existence and blesses them. They rejoice, dance and sing, and in return, you too receive something which strengthens and vivifies you."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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