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Angels of the Four Elements : commune with them through food
"The Ancients defined the four elements in terms of the four states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and igneous. Everything that is solid, they called earth; everything that is liquid, water; everything that is gaseous, air; and everything that is igneous – that is to say heat and light – they called fire. We can find the four elements in the food we eat every day. Yes, because food presents us with the four states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and igneous. This is why each meal can become an opportunity to commune with the angels of the four elements: with the Angel of Earth, that he may bring us stability and steadfastness, for it is he who provides our foundation and without whom nothing can exist; with the Angel of Water that he may give us life and purity; with the Angel of Air, that he may give us intelligence, subtlety and speed; and finally, the Angel of Fire, that he may bring us the light and fire of divine love. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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