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Aid : we will obtain more through our light than recounting our misfortunes
"Whatever your suffering and difficulties, do not complain about them to others and do not appear discouraged. On the contrary, try to make the light shine within you. Yes, the worse the situation is, the more you must make the light shine. And do you know what will happen as a result? This light will attract people from every direction, and they will say: ‘We would like to offer you something. What do you need?’ You will even have an overabundance of these services they want to offer you, simply because of your light. People believe that their misfortunes can touch the hearts of others, so they talk about and even exaggerate them in the hope of gaining help and relief. Not at all! Those who are burdened with these tales have only one desire: to flee. Yes, unfortunately it is so: in these cases, it is rare that anyone listens, for only beauty, light and love attract human beings. Therefore, the worse the problem is, the more radiant and joyful you must become. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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