A Pentecost Prayer for You

with the Pentagram Series

Pentecost - Master Omraam's interpretation of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles

"On Pentecost Sunday, Christians commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles in the form of tongues of fire.

"In reality, the Holy Spirit's descent is a symbolic event found, in one form or another, in all religions. Actually, the Holy Spirit is our Higher Self, that is to say the symbol for all that is luminous, powerful, and divine in us.

"When we say that people receive the Holy Spirit, it means that their own spirit, that is their Higher Self, takes possession of them. The Higher Self is part of us, but it is unable to come down and manifest in people so long as they have not cleared the impurities obstructing its path.

"When the day comes where humans truly purify themselves and achieve true sanctification, the Holy Spirit, their Higher Self – powerful, luminous and radiant – will descend into them and perform wonders."

The Master's Prayer for Purification

"Oh Earth, my Mother,
I thank you for what you gave me,
my body with all the elements.
I thank you, Mother Earth, but I have a request for you:
If you could take all the waste and impurities accumulated in me
and send them down below in your workshop and laboratories,
and replace them by the purest and most crystalline materials
so that I can execute my work in the world."

Then you pronounce (three times) the formula:

The Pentagram Series

Out of all the books about the life of Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, there are five particularly special ones which we call the Pentagram Series — and thanks to special arrangements, we are able to offer them at extremely special prices (even one for free — you just pay for shipping). See descriptions below:

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov's Pentagram of Biographies:

Each of these biographical books reflects a major aspect of the Pentagram (Love, Wisdom, Truth, Justice, Kindness).

We recommend that you start by reading the Master's definitive 2-volume autobiography. Omraam loved his life, and he viewed everyone and everything with eyes of Love (A Living Book – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 1). And before moving to France, he spent 20 years learning Wisdom from his own Master (Life with the Master Peter Deunov – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 2).

Deep Truth about the life and Teaching of Master Omraam can be found in The Mystery of Light, by the award-winning author and spiritual researcher Georg Feuerstein (Revised and Expanded Edition, but now out of print — we have most of the last remaining copies). In the Foreword, Larry Dossey, M.D. wrote that "this book . . . is in a class by itself."

Then we have the rare First Edition of Louise-Marie Frenette's book Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, A Biography (later republished as The Life of a Master in the West). Drawn from the Master's 5000 public talks, plus interviews with dozens of people, in several countries, who knew him, this book does Justice to his life story like none other.

And finally, due to the Kindness of author Pierre C. Renard's widow, the publisher (Prosveta S.A.), and the PADME International Foundation, we are able to give away copies of Pierre's enthusiastic and transformative book, The Solar Revolution and the Prophet (you pay only for shipping). This book points the way to the next Golden Age! (And it is particularly well suited for the younger generation, as well as for all who choose to be young at heart.)

Links for the Pentagram Biography Series:

LoveA Living Book – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 1, $!9.95 (reg. $24.95)

Wisdom: Life with the Master Peter Deunov – Autobiographical Reflections, Vol. 2, $19.95 (reg. $24.95)

2-volume set of the above: $29.95 (reg. $49.90)

Truth: The Mystery of Light, by Georg Feuerstein (Revised and Expanded) $19.95 (reg. $24.95)

JusticeOmraam Mikhael Aivanhov, A Biography, by Louise-Marie Frenette, $9.95 (reg. $14.95)

KindnessThe Solar Revolution and the Prophet, by Pierre C. Renard, Free (reg. $19.95)

All 5 of the above for $55 

Free 24-page booklet on Happiness

And to make your Spring even happier, we are announcing a new reprint of Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov's 24-page booklet Happiness. Easy-to-read lecture excerpts include the following topics (plus more):

Happiness bookletTOPICS INCLUDE:

Take Charge of Your Own Happiness

Recapture Your Moments of Bliss

Live Poetically

The Magical Power of Gratitude

Make the Most of Your Spiritual Wealth

This booklet is free by request with any order of $33 or more.

Ongoing Book Specials
(shipping higher outside the US):

The Complete Works Collection (20 volumes in English for $333)

The Izvor Collection (44 volumes in English for $366)

"I am always with you, even if I am not physically present. I am with you even more than before." — Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

May your Higher Self descend into your personality and do wonders, so that you can execute your work in the world.

Warm regards,

Aaron Rose, Executive Director



Mailing address:

Wellsprings of Light, Esoteric Christian Publishing
404 N Mount Shasta Blvd Unit 320
Mount Shasta CA 96067

(530) 918-3391 (for voice — not for text messages)

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