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What's the answer
What's the answer
Ref. : S0001AN
Pamphlet 32 pages
ISBN 978-2-8184-0013-5
Translated into : Français Nederlands Português

Table of contents

- Why is Life so unjust? – the Law of Reincarnation
- Are There Limits to Freedom of Expression?
- How to Deal with Stress?
- Is Capital Punishment a Solution?
- Love, the Only Criterion of Sexual Morality
- Drug Addiction, a Disease of the Soul
- From the Nuclear Family to the Global Family
- The Snares of Occultism
- Fanaticism, a Negation of True Religion
- What is a Spiritual Master?
- The Pyramid, a Message of Unity
- Only the Spirit can Transform the World



The themes presented in these extracts are developped in the following books from the Izvor Collection:
P0202AN: Man, Master of his Destiny
P0205AN: Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon
P0206AN: A Philosophy of Universality
P0207AN: What is a Spiritual Master?
P0208AN: The Egregor of the Dove or the Reign of Peace
P0225AN: Harmony and Health
P0226AN: The Book of Divine Magic
P0234AN: Truth: Fruit of Wisdom and Love
P0235AN: 'In Spirit and in Truth'


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