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Thought for the day
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Daily meditations 1995
Daily meditations 1995
Ref. : PQ1995AN
Size 10 x 16
ISBN 1-895978-04-1
Translated into : Français Deutsch Português Português
Price:   15.95 

Table of contents

A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Themes For Meditations



Mental concentration is a difficult exercise which requires preparation. This preparation consists first in calming ourselves, because an agitated state disperses psychic energies. If we attempt to concentrate without having first established inner calm, we shock the cells of our brain and prevent them from doing their work properly. Every object has a natural inertia, and we cannot stimulate a desired movement all at once. We must start with a very gentle push, and only after a certain time will it assume on its own the momentum we wish. Never forget that the cells of our organism are living creatures, which we must neither force nor shock.


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