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Angels and other Mysteries of The Tree of Life
Angels and other Mysteries of The Tree of Life
Ref. : P0236AN
207 pages - 7 illustrations - 1 illustration in color
ISBN 1-895978-07-6
Translated into : Français Español Deutsch Italiano Português Românã
Price:   12.95  $

Table of contents

1 - From Man to God, the Notion of Hierarchy
2 - Introduction to the Sephirotic Tree of Life
3 - The Angelic Hierarchies
4 - The Names of God
5 - The Sephiroth of the Central Pillar
6 - Ain Soph Aur, Unlimited Light
7 - Light, the Substance of the Universe
8 - ‘When God Drew a Circle on the Face of the Deep’
9 - The Kingdom of God is like a Mustard Seed
10 - The Cosmic Family and the Mystery of the Trinity
11 - The Body of Adam Kadmon
12 - Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, Tiphareth, Archangels and Seasons
13 - The Sephirotic Tree, Symbol of Synarchic Order
14 - Yesod, Foundation of the Spiritual Life
15 - Binah:
I - The Laws of Destiny
II - The Realm of Stability

16 - Chokmah, the Creative Word
17 - Yesod, Tiphareth, Kether, the Sublimation of Sexual Energy
18 - The Prayer of Solomon



'Think for a minute about what electricity is and how we use it, and you will have some notion, however approximate, of God. We use electricity to light and heat our houses, and power all kinds of machines and appliances, but we have to be very careful of how we handle it, for it is easy to cause an accident. Direct contact with an electric current can be fatal. In order to harness and use it without danger, we have to channel it through transformers. The same can be said of God: God is like a pure current of electricity which has to pass through transformers before it reaches us. And the transformers that God uses are the countless luminous beings that populate the heavens, known to tradition as the choirs of angels or angelic hierarchies. It is through them that we receive divine life; it is through them that we can be in contact with God.'


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