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Sparks of Light on Our Path
Sparks of Light on Our Path
Ref. : AR01AN
The first title in a new collection, this book is an invitation to discover within ourselves the resources necessary to overcome the difficulties of our existence. For this, Master Omraam emphasizes the need to control our gestures, words, and thoughts, and to reflect on our relationships with others, the impact of the present moment on our future, the importance of efforts and the relativity of failures, and the real meaning of each of our activities and their impact on our physical and mental health.

Translated into : Français
Price:   9.95  $



“Every time I speak to you, I am trying to open new windows and broaden your horizons so you may one day embrace immensity. Life is a vast, infinite realm which we have all eternity to explore. We can determine the significance of an issue by the time it takes to cover all its aspects. When issues can be quickly dealt with, they cannot be deemed essential − essential issues converge with life itself, which is boundless.”


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