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Intuition, a faculty of our higher self - DVD NTSC
Intuition, a faculty of our higher self - DVD NTSC
Ref. : DN7010AN
Video lecture in French – Subtitles in 14 languages - DVD NTSC - Lenght: 42’ 20’’

Translated into : Français
Price:   19.95 

Table of contents

Lecture in French – Subtitles in 14 languages:
Български / Česky / Deutsch / Ελληνικά / English / Español / Italiano / Magyar / Nederlands / Polski / Português/ Pycckuй / Română / Türkçe



‘The faculties of the mind and the heart are essential to us, but they are not enough. To guide us on all the paths of life, we need to develop a third faculty that only our higher self possesses: intuition. The intuition is similar to the mind in that it is a form of intelligence, and it is similar to the heart in that it is a form of sensation, but here the intelligence and the sensation are situated in the higher realms of the soul and the spirit. By mastering our thoughts and feelings, we will one day truly know beings and things.’


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