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The High Ideal
The High Ideal
Ref. : B0307AN
25 pages - 18 x 11,2 cm
ISBN 978-2-8184-0177-4
Translated into : Français Deutsch Italiano
Price:   4.95 



‘Every ideal, whatever it may be, has a magical quality: it is linked to us, and it transmits something of its very quintessence. If we have chosen a very high ideal, it will constantly supply us with beneficial particles and currents. Since we have shaped it and kept it in our mind and heart, it will always be there to improve conditions until, one day, we find we have new conditions in our life which our ideal has prepared for us. But this will only happen if we love our ideal, if we think of it, nurture it and, despite its immensity and the distance that separates us from it, cradle it in our heart and soul.’


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