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DVD PAL - Thought needs feeling in order to manifest
DVD PAL - Thought needs feeling in order to manifest
Ref. : DP7004AN
Video lecture in French - Subtitles in 12 languages - DVD PAL - Length: 59' duration 59’

Translated into : Français Deutsch Nederlands

Table of contents

Subtitles in 12 languages
Български / Češtině / Deutsch / English / Español / French / Italiano / Nederlands / Polski / Português / Русский / Română



‘You all have wonderful, divine ideas, I know, but what results have they produced? None? That proves that you still have some work to do to bring your ideas down onto the physical plane. Yes, the important thing is to bring them down into matter, because your ideas will leave you to die of hunger and thirst if you don’t know how to materialize them through action. It is not enough to have ideas; many people have ideas, but they live in such a way that there is never any connection between their ideas and their actions. There must be a link, a bridge, and this intermediary is feeling. Feeling adds flesh to ideas so that they can become a physical reality.’


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